More than 2,000 years ago, our Filipino ancestors built the rice terraces out of the Cordillera Mountains in northern Philippines using a unique leadership philosophy.
Comparing this stunning man-made structure with what we know today as the other Wonders of the Ancient World, many of which were built by either salaried skilled workers or slaves on orders by individual reigning rulers, the hand-made rice terraces stand out for three intriguing reasons:
- One, they were constructed by freemen.
- Two, no single leader was ever identified to have taken credit for building them.
- Three, they stood the test of time.
This cultural archeological research paints an inspiring picture on how the so-called barbaric, ignorant, uneducated ancient Filipino society has constructed and maintained a millennia-old magnificent edifice of elaborate beauty, which on the contrary speaks volumes of our unique leadership philosophy and management ingenuity.
It tells our real story which explains our natural bias towards creativity (pagkamalikhain), deep sense of community (maka-bayanihan), and unselfish concern (malasakit).
Our organizations today can learn many things from our golden ancient past. Particularly, Stepback Leadership covers:
- Identity (Personal, Team, and Organizational Development)
- Leadership (People-Leader-Goal or PLG Model)
- Culture (Beliefs, Practices, Framework, STEPS Leadership Process)
- Transformation (Growth, Innovation, Sustainability)
It can help you rediscover our greatness, reclaim our true identity, and learn about our ancient leadership philosophy and management system that may just solve the modern challenges in leading and managing people even in our own time.